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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 12 nine-letter words containing ORSI

DETORSIONdetorsion n. Alternative form of detortion.
DETORSION n. the act of detorting; a twisting or warping, also DETORTION.
DOORSILLSdoorsills n. Plural of doorsill.
DOORSILL n. the sill of a door.
DORSIFLEXdorsiflex v. To flex a limb in a dorsal direction.
DORSIFLEX v. to bend towards the back or dorsal.
ENDORSINGendorsing v. Present participle of endorse.
ENDORSE v. to declare one's approval, also INDORSE.
ENDORSIVEENDORSIVE adj. tending to endorse.
EXTORSIVEextorsive adj. Serving or tending to extort.
EXTORSIVE adj. relating to or practising extortion, also EXTORTIVE.
HORSINESShorsiness n. The quality of being, or resembling, a horse.
horsiness n. Fondness for, or interest in, horses.
HORSINESS n. the state of being horsy.
INDORSINGindorsing v. Present participle of indorse.
INDORSE v. to declare one's approval, also ENDORSE.
INTORSIONintorsion n. A winding, bending, or twisting.
intorsion n. (Botany) The bending or twining of any part of a plant toward one side or the other, or in any direction…
INTORSION n. a twist, a twine, also INTORTION.
RETORSIONretorsion n. (Law) An act of retaliation taken by one nation against another as a reprisal.
RETORSION n. the act of retorting or throwing back, also RETORTION.
TORSIONALtorsional adj. Of, pertaining to, or achieved using torsion.
TORSIONAL adj. of or pertaining to torsion.
UNHORSINGunhorsing v. Present participle of unhorse.
unhorsing n. The forcible removal from a horse.
UNHORSE v. to cause to fall from a horse.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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