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There are 19 nine-letter words containing ORCH

BLOWTORCHblowtorch n. A tool which projects a controlled stream of a highly flammable gas over a spark in order to produce…
blowtorch n. (US, military, slang) A jet fighter.
blowtorch v. To apply a blowtorch to something.
MONORCHIDmonorchid adj. Having only one testicle within the scrotum.
monorchid n. An individual having only one testicle within the scrotum.
MONORCHID adj. having only one testicle.
ORCHELLASORCHELLA n. a dye obtained from certain lichens, also ARCHIL, ORCHEL, ORCHIL, ORCHILLA, ORSEILLE.
ORCHESTICorchestic adj. Relating to dance.
ORCHESTIC adj. relating to dancing.
ORCHESTRAorchestra n. (Music) A large group of musicians who play together on various instruments, usually including some…
orchestra n. A semicircular space in front of the stage used by the chorus in Ancient Greek and Hellenistic theatres.
orchestra n. The area in a theatre or concert hall where the musicians sit, immediately in front of and below the…
ORCHIDISTorchidist n. A person who cultivates orchids.
ORCHIDIST n. a fancier or grower of orchids.
ORCHILLASORCHILLA n. a red dye obtained from certain lichens, also ARCHIL, ORCHEL, ORCHELLA, ORCHIL, ORSEILLE.
PORCHETTAporchetta n. A savory and moist boneless pork roast, part of Italian cuisine.
PORCHETTA n. (Italian) seasoned boneless roast pork cut from a whole roast pig.
PORCHLESSporchless adj. Without a porch.
PORCHLESS adj. lacking a porch.
SCORCHERSscorchers n. Plural of scorcher.
SCORCHER n. (colloquial) a very hot day.
SCORCHINGscorching adj. Very hot.
scorching adj. Bitterly sarcastic; scathing; withering.
scorching adj. (Of speed when driving, running, etc.) very high.
TORCHABLEtorchable adj. Able to be torched.
TORCHABLE adj. that can be torched.
TORCHEREStorchères n. Plural of torchère.
TORCHERE n. (French) a tall ornamental candlestick or lampstand.
TORCHIEREtorchiere n. A floor lamp with a bowl on top for reflecting light upwards.
torchiere n. A large ornamental candelabrum.
torchière n. Alternative form of torchiere.
TORCHIERStorchiers n. Plural of torchier.
TORCHIER n. (French) a floor lamp with bowl for reflecting light upwards, also TORCHIERE.
TORCHIESTtorchiest adj. Superlative form of torchy: most torchy.
TORCHY adj. characteristic of a torch song.
TORCHINGStorchings n. Plural of torching.
TORCHING n. the act of setting alight.
TORCHLIKEtorchlike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a torch.
TORCHLIKE adj. like a torch.
TORCHWOODtorchwood n. (Uncountable) Wood exhibiting fungal bioluminescence or foxfire.
torchwood n. (Uncountable) Wood used to make torches.
torchwood n. (Countable) A tree yielding wood suitable for making torches, especially a tree of the genus Amyris.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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