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There are 18 nine-letter words containing OPAT

ALLOPATHSallopaths n. Plural of allopath.
ALLOPATH n. one who practises allopathy, orthodox medical treatment, also ALLOPATHIST.
ALLOPATHYallopathy n. (Uncountable, originally) A system of heroic medicine that treats symptoms with substances that produce…
allopathy n. (Countable) A conventional Western medical method or treatment.
ALLOPATHY n. the treatment of disease by inducing an opposite condition (i.e. in the usual way).
ALLOPATRYallopatry n. (Biology) The condition of being allopatric.
ALLOPATRY n. the state of occurring in different geographical areas or in isolation.
APOCOPATEapocopate adj. Shortened by apocope; lacking a final sound or syllable.
apocopate v. (Linguistics) To shorten using apocope; to remove the final sound or syllable.
apocopate v. (Linguistics, intransitive) To undergo apocope.
CLEOPATRAcleopatra n. The butterfly Gonepteryx cleopatra of the family Pieridae.
Cleopatra prop.n. A given name of women in the Ptolemaic dynasty of Egypt; notably Queen Cleopatra VII of Egypt (69–30…
Cleopatra prop.n. (Rare) A female given name from Ancient Greek.
COPATAINECOPATAINE adj. of a hat, high-crowned like a sugar loaf.
COPATRIOTcopatriot n. A joint patriot.
COPATRIOT n. a person born, residing, or holding citizenship in the same country as another, also COMPATRIOT.
COPATRONScopatrons n. Plural of copatron.
COPATRON n. a fellow patron.
CYTOPATHYcytopathy n. (Microbiology, pathology) The disease or deterioration of a cell, or of the structures contained within a cell.
CYTOPATHY n. a disease or disorder of a cell.
HOMEOPATHhomeopath n. A person who practices homeopathy.
HOMEOPATH n. a practitioner of homeopathy, also HOMEOPATHIST, HOMOEOPATH, HOMOEOPATHIST.
HYDROPATHhydropath n. A hydropathist.
HYDROPATH n. a practitioner of hydropathy, the study of treating diseases with water.
IDIOPATHYidiopathy n. (Pathology) Something idiopathic; a disease having no known cause.
IDIOPATHY n. a disease of unknown origin or one having no apparent cause.
MYOPATHICmyopathic adj. Pertaining to myopathy.
MYOPATHIC adj. of or pertaining to myopathy, a disorder of muscle tissue.
NEUROPATHneuropath n. (Medicine, dated) A person with neuropathy, perhaps also including (in outdated nosology) a neurosis…
neuropath n. (Medicine, historical) A physician with specialization in neuropathy, corresponding to today’s specialties…
NEUROPATH n. one who believes in nervous origin of most diseases.
OSTEOPATHosteopath n. (Alternative medicine) A non-physician healthcare practitioner who practices osteopathy by manipulating…
OSTEOPATH n. a practitioner of osteopathy, also OSTEOPATHIST.
SOCIOPATHsociopath n. A person with an antisocial personality disorder.
SOCIOPATH n. a person hostile to society.
SYNCOPATEsyncopate v. (Transitive, linguistics, phonology) to omit a vocalic or consonantal sound or a syllable from a word; to use syncope.
syncopate v. (Transitive, music) to stress or accentuate the weak beat of a rhythm; to use syncopation.
SYNCOPATE v. to shorten a word by cutting out its middle.
THEOPATHYtheopathy n. The capacity of a person to worship, or to experience a religious belief.
THEOPATHY n. emotional experience brought on by religious belief.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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