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There are 13 nine-letter words containing OONI

BABOONISHbaboonish adj. Like a baboon.
BABOONISH adj. like a baboon.
BATOONINGbatooning v. Present participle of batoon.
BATOON v. to strike with a truncheon, also BATON.
COCOONINGcocooning v. Present participle of cocoon.
cocooning n. The formation of a cocoon.
COCOONING n. the practice of spending leisure time at home in preference to going out.
CROONIESTCROONY adj. having or being a soft singing style.
CROONINGScroonings n. Plural of crooning.
CROONING n. singing in a sentimental way.
LOONINESSlooniness n. The state or condition of being loony; craziness, lunacy.
LOONINESS n. the state of being loony.
MAROONINGmarooning v. Present participle of maroon.
marooning n. An act of abandoning a person in a remote, deserted place.
MAROONING n. the act of abandoning in an isolated place.
MOONINESSmooniness n. Quality of being moony.
MOONINESS n. the state of being moony.
MOONISHLYmoonishly adv. In a moonish manner.
MOONISH adv. like the moon; variable.
RATOONINGratooning v. Present participle of ratoon.
RATOON v. to sprout from a root planted the previous year, also RATTOON.
SPOONIESTspooniest adj. Superlative form of spoony: most spoony.
SPOONY adj. foolishly fond.
SWOONIESTSWOONY adj. languid, dazed.
SWOONINGSswoonings n. Plural of swooning.
SWOONING n. the act of swooning.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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