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There are 15 nine-letter words containing ONOU

CARBONOUScarbonous adj. Of, relating to, or containing carbon.
CARBONOUS adj. containing carbon.
CONSONOUSconsonous adj. (Archaic) concordant in sound; harmonious.
CONSONOUS adj. harmonious.
DISHONOURdishonour n. Shame or disgrace.
dishonour n. Lack of honour or integrity.
dishonour n. (Law) Failure or refusal of the drawee or intended acceptor of a negotiable instrument, such as a bill…
EPIGONOUSepigonous adj. Following and modelling after another thing.
EPIGONOUS adj. relating to a follower or inferior imitator.
HONOURARYhonourary adj. (US, UK) Archaic spelling of honorary.
HONOURARY adj. conferring honour, also HONORARY.
HONOUREEShonourees n. Plural of honouree.
HONOUREE n. a person who is honoured, also HONOREE, HONORAND.
HONOURERShonourers n. Plural of honourer.
HONOURER n. one who honours, also HONORER.
HONOURINGhonouring v. Present participle of honour.
HONOUR v. to treat with respect, also HONOR.
POISONOUSpoisonous adj. Containing sufficient poison to be dangerous to touch or ingest.
poisonous adj. (Figuratively) Negative, harmful.
POISONOUS adj. having the quality or effect of poison.
PRISONOUSprisonous adj. (Obsolete) Resembling or characteristic of a prison.
PRISONOUS adj. (Dickens) of or like a prison.
PRONOUNCEpronounce v. (Transitive) To declare formally, officially or ceremoniously.
pronounce v. (Transitive) To declare authoritatively, or as a formal expert opinion.
pronounce v. (Intransitive) To pass judgment.
SYNTONOUSsyntonous adj. Having the same frequency; syntonic.
SYNTONOUS adj. pertaining to syntony; in harmony with one's surroundings, also SYNTONIC.
TRIGONOUStrigonous adj. Trigonal.
TRIGONOUS adj. having a triangular cross-section.
UNISONOUSunisonous adj. Being in unison; unisonant.
UNISONOUS adj. being in unison, also UNISONAL, UNISONANT.
ZOOGONOUSzoogonous adj. (Zoology) That gives birth to live offspring (rather than laying eggs).
zoogonous adj. (Botany, of seeds or fruit) That sprout before they fall.
ZOOGONOUS adj. giving birth to live offspring.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 38 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 2 words

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