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There are 9 nine-letter words containing OMPT

ACCOMPTEDaccompted v. (Archaic) simple past tense and past participle of accompt.
ACCOMPT v. to explain in detail, also ACCOUNT.
COMPTABLECOMPTABLE adj. (obsolete) countable, also COMPTIBLE, COUNTABLE.
COMPTIBLEcomptible adj. (Obsolete) accountable; responsible.
comptible adj. (Obsolete) sensitive.
COMPTIBLE adj. (obsolete) countable, also COMPTABLE.
COMPTROLLcomptroll n. Archaic form of control.
comptroll v. Archaic form of control.
COMPTROLL v. (obsolete) to control, esp. in a financial sense, also CONTROL, CONTROUL, COUNTROL.
IMPROMPTUimpromptu adj. Improvised; without prior preparation, planning or rehearsal.
impromptu n. (Music) A short musical composition for an informal occasion often with the character of improvisation…
impromptu n. (By extension) Any composition, musical or otherwise, that is created on the spot without preparation.
PROMPTERSprompters n. Plural of prompter.
PROMPTER n. one that prompts.
PROMPTESTpromptest adj. Superlative form of prompt: most prompt.
PROMPT adj. done without delay.
PROMPTINGprompting v. Present participle of prompt.
prompting n. The action of saying something to persuade, encourage, or remind someone to do or say something.
PROMPTING n. the act of supplying a prompt.
PROMPTUREprompture n. Suggestion; incitement; prompting.
PROMPTURE n. (Shakespeare) a suggestion.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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