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There are 20 nine-letter words containing OMBI

BOMBILATEbombilate v. (Rare) To hum or buzz.
BOMBILATE v. to buzz, drone, also BOMBINATE.
BOMBINATEbombinate v. To buzz or hum.
BOMBINATE v. to buzz, drone, also BOMBILATE.
COMBINATEcombinate n. The result of a combining of two or more components.
combinate adj. United; joined; betrothed.
COMBINATE adj. combined; betrothed.
COMBINEDScombineds n. Plural of combined.
COMBINED n. a skiing competition combining two events.
COMBINERScombiners n. Plural of combiner.
COMBINER n. one who, or that which, combines.
COMBININGcombining v. Present participle of combine.
combining n. The act by which things are combined or brought together.
COMBINING n. the act of combining.
COULOMBICcoulombic adj. (Dated) electric.
coulombic adj. (Physics) relating to Coulomb’s law and the force it involves.
COULOMBIC adj. of or like a coulomb, the SI unit of electric charge.
COXCOMBICcoxcombic adj. Synonym of coxcombical.
ENTOMBINGentombing v. Present participle of entomb.
ENTOMB v. to place in a tomb, also INTOMB.
ENWOMBINGenwombing v. Present participle of enwomb.
ENWOMB v. to enclose as if in a womb.
INTOMBINGintombing v. Present participle of intomb.
INTOMB v. to place in a tomb, also ENTOMB.
RECOMBINErecombine v. (Genetics, transitive, intransitive) To combine again, especially to reassemble the parts of something…
recombine v. (Genetics, intransitive) To undergo recombination.
re-combine v. Alternative form of recombine.
RECOMBINGrecombing v. Present participle of recomb.
recombing n. The act of combing something again.
RECOMB v. to comb again.
RHOMBICALrhombical adj. Rhombic.
RHOMBICAL adj. of or like a rhombus, an equilateral parallelogram, also RHOMBIC.
THROMBINSthrombins n. Plural of thrombin.
THROMBIN n. an enzyme that causes the blood to clot.
UNCOMBINEuncombine v. (Transitive) To separate (things previously combined).
uncombine v. (Intransitive) To cease to be combined; to become separate.
UNCOMBINE v. (Dickens) to separate.
UNTOMBINGuntombing v. Present participle of untomb.
UNTOMB v. to remove from a tomb.
ZOMBIFIEDzombified v. Simple past tense and past participle of zombify.
zombified adj. Having been made into a zombie, or induced to behave in a zombie-like fashion.
ZOMBIFY v. to make lethargic.
ZOMBIFIESzombifies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of zombify.
ZOMBIFY v. to make lethargic.
ZOMBIISMSZOMBIISM n. belief in zombies.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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