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There are 13 nine-letter words containing OGNI

BESOGNIOSBESOGNIO n. (Italian) a beggar.
COGNISANTcognisant adj. Alternative spelling of cognizant.
COGNISANT adj. aware, conscious of, also COGNIZANT.
COGNISERScognisers n. Plural of cogniser.
COGNISER n. one that cognizes, also COGNIZER.
COGNISINGcognising v. Present participle of cognise.
cognising n. An act of cognition.
COGNISE v. to become aware, also COGNIZE.
COGNITIONcognition n. The process of knowing, of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought and through the senses.
cognition n. (Countable) A result of a cognitive process.
COGNITION n. the process of knowing, including sensation, perception, etc., distinguished from emotion and conation.
COGNITIVEcognitive adj. Relating to the part of mental functions that deals with logic, as opposed to affective which deals with emotions.
cognitive adj. Intellectual.
cognitive adj. (Linguistics, rare, obsolete) Cognate; which is to be recognized as cognate.
COGNIZANTcognizant adj. Aware; fully informed; having understanding of a fact.
cognizant adj. Sapient; self-aware.
COGNIZANT adj. having cognizance or knowledge, also COGNISANT.
COGNIZERScognizers n. Plural of cognizer.
COGNIZER n. one that cognizes, also COGNISER.
COGNIZINGcognizing v. Present participle of cognize.
cognizing n. Alternative form of cognising.
COGNIZE v. to become aware, also COGNISE.
INCOGNITAincognita n. A woman who is unknown or in disguise.
incognita n. (Of a woman) The state of being in disguise. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
incognita adj. Of a woman: without being known; in an assumed character, or under an assumed title; in disguise.
INCOGNITOincognito adj. Without being known; in an assumed character, or under an assumed title; in disguise.
incognito adv. Without revealing one’s identity.
incognito n. One unknown or in disguise, or under an assumed character or name.
RECOGNISErecognise v. Non-Oxford British spelling standard spelling of recognize.
re-cognise v. Alternative spelling of recognize.
RECOGNISE v. to identify as known or experienced before, also RECOGNIZE.
RECOGNIZErecognize v. (Transitive) To match (something or someone which one currently perceives) to a memory of some previous…
recognize v. (Transitive) To acknowledge the existence or legality of; to treat as valid or worthy of consideration.
recognize v. (Transitive, or with clause) To acknowledge or consider (as being a certain thing or having a certain…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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