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There are 20 nine-letter words containing OAST

ACCOASTEDaccoasted v. Simple past tense and past participle of accoast.
ACCOAST v. to lie or sail along the coast or side of; to accost.
BICOASTALbicoastal adj. Of, pertaining to, or concentrated on two coasts, often specifically the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of North America.
bicoastal n. A person who lives near two coasts.
BICOASTAL adj. living or based simultaneously on two coasts, esp. in North America.
BOASTINGSboastings n. Plural of boasting.
BOASTING n. the act of boasting.
BOASTLESSboastless adj. Without boasting.
BOASTLESS adj. without boasting or ostentation.
BROASTINGbroasting v. Present participle of broast.
BROAST v. to boil and roast food.
COASTALLYcoastally adv. In a coastal manner.
coastally adv. Towards or along a coast.
COASTAL adv. pertaining to the seashore.
COASTINGScoastings n. Plural of coasting.
COASTING n. coastal trade.
COASTLANDcoastland n. Coastal land.
COASTLAND n. land along the coast.
COASTLINEcoastline n. The shape, outline, or boundary of a coast. (The term coastline is generally used to describe the approximate…
COASTLINE n. the line or boundary of a coast.
COASTWARDcoastward adj. Towards the coast.
coastward adv. Towards the coast.
COASTWARD adv. in the direction of the coast, also COASTWARDS.
COASTWISEcoastwise adj. Along the coast.
coastwise adv. Along the coast.
COASTWISE adv. along the coast.
MILKTOASTmilktoast adj. Alternative spelling of milquetoast.
milktoast n. Alternative spelling of milquetoast.
milk␣toast n. A food consisting of toasted bread in warm milk, typically with sugar and butter, but which also may…
OASTHOUSEoasthouse n. Alternative spelling of oast house.
oast␣house n. (Britain) a building containing oasts, used in conjunction with hop harvesting.
OASTHOUSE n. a house where hops are dried.
OUTBOASTSoutboasts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of outboast.
OUTBOAST v. to surpass in boasting.
OVERROASToverroast v. (Transitive) To roast too much.
OVERROAST v. to roast too much.
ROASTINGSroastings n. Plural of roasting.
ROASTING n. a scolding.
SEACOASTSseacoasts n. Plural of seacoast.
SEACOAST n. land bordering the sea.
TOASTIESTtoastiest adj. Superlative form of toasty: most toasty.
TOASTY adj. like toast, comfortably warm.
TOASTINGStoastings n. Plural of toasting.
TOASTING n. the act of toasting.
UNROASTEDunroasted adj. Not roasted.
UNROASTED adj. not roasted.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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