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There are 13 eight-letter words containing OTIE

BOBOTIESboboties n. Plural of bobotie.
BOBOTIE n. (South African) curried mincemeat topped with a baked egg crust.
DHOOTIESdhooties n. Plural of dhootie.
dhooties n. Plural of dhooty.
DHOOTIE n. (Hindi) a loincloth worn by Indian men, also DHOOTI, DHOTI, DHUTI.
HOOTIESThootiest adj. Superlative form of hooty: most hooty.
HOOTY adj. sounding like the cry of an owl.
PATOOTIEpatootie n. (Chiefly US, slang) The buttocks.
patootie n. (Chiefly US, slang) An attractive girl; a girlfriend.
PATOOTIE n. (colloquial) the buttocks, also PATOOT.
QUOTIENTquotient n. (Arithmetic) The number resulting from the division of one number by another.
quotient n. (Arithmetic) The integer part of the result of such division.
quotient n. (Mathematics) By analogy, the result of any process that is the inverse of multiplication as defined…
ROOTIESTrootiest adj. Superlative form of rooty: most rooty.
ROOTY adj. full of roots.
SABOTIERsabotier n. A maker of sabots (in the sense of wooden shoes), clog maker, clogger.
sabotier n. A person who wears sabots.
SABOTIER n. (French) a wearer of wooden shoes.
SHOOTIESshooties n. Plural of shootie.
SHOOTIE n. a fashionable shoe that covers the ankle.
SNOOTIERsnootier adj. Comparative form of snooty: more snooty.
SNOOTY adj. supercilious.
SOOTIESTsootiest adj. Superlative form of sooty: most sooty.
SOOTY adj. covered with soot.
TOTIENTStotients n. Plural of totient.
TOTIENT n. the number of totitives of a number, i.e. numbers less than and prime to it.
ZOOTIESTZOOTY adj. flashy in manner or style.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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