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There are 9 eight-letter words containing OSMI

ACOSMISMacosmism n. A denial of the existence of the universe as distinct from God.
acosmism n. The determination of the world as mere phenomena to which true reality does not pertain.
ACOSMISM n. a doctrine denying the existence of a universe distinct from God.
ACOSMISTacosmist n. A follower of acosmism.
ACOSMIST n. one who denies the existence of a universe distinct from God.
ANOSMIASanosmias n. Plural of anosmia.
ANOSMIA n. the loss of sense of smell.
COSMICALcosmical adj. (Archaic) Cosmic.
cosmical adj. (Astronomy, dated) Rising or setting with the sun; not acronycal.
COSMICAL adj. pertaining to the cosmos, also COSMIC.
COSMINESCOSMINE n. a hard substance in fish scales, also COSMIN.
COSMISMSCOSMISM n. the belief that the cosmos is a self-existing whole.
COSMISTScosmists n. Plural of cosmist.
COSMIST n. one who adheres to cosmism, the belief that the cosmos is a self-existing whole.
OSMIATESosmiates n. Plural of osmiate.
OSMIATE n. a salt of osmic acid, also OSMATE.
PAROSMIAparosmia n. (Pathology) A distorted sense of smell, often resulting in the apparent detection of non-existent smells…
PAROSMIA n. a distortion of the sense of smell.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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