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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 10 eight-letter words containing ORAC

BORACHIOborachio n. (Obsolete) A drunkard.
borachio n. (Historical) A bottle for wine made of pigskin.
BORACHIO n. (Spanish) a Spanish wineskin; a drunken fellow.
BORACITEboracite n. (Mineralogy) A mixed chloride and borate of magnesium that occurs as a white to green crystalline evaporite…
BORACITE n. a compound of magnesium usually occurring as greyish-white cubic crystals.
CORACLEScoracles n. Plural of coracle.
CORACLE n. (Welsh) a small boat made of wickerwork covered with watertight material, also CURAGH, CURRACH, CURRAGH.
CORACOIDcoracoid n. (Anatomy) Part of the scapula that projects towards the sternum in mammals; the coracoid process.
coracoid n. (Anatomy) A small bone linking the scapula and sternum in birds, reptiles and some other vertebrates.
coracoid adj. Hooked like the beak of a crow.
ORACLINGoracling v. Present participle of oracle.
ORACLE v. to utter as an oracle.
ORACULARoracular adj. Of or relating to an oracle.
oracular adj. Prophetic, foretelling the future.
oracular adj. Wise, authoritative.
THORACALthoracal adj. Thoracic.
THORACAL adj. relating to a thorax.
THORACESthoraces n. Plural of thorax.
THORAX n. (Greek) the part of the body between the neck and the abdomen.
THORACICthoracic adj. (Anatomy) Of the thorax.
thoracic n. (Zoology) One of a group of fishes having the ventral fins placed beneath the thorax or beneath the pectoral fins.
THORACIC adj. of or pertaining to the thorax, or chest, also THORACAL.
VORACITYvoracity n. The state of being voracious; rapacity or extreme gluttony.
VORACITY n. greed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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