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There are 20 eight-letter words containing OPEN

AUTOPENSautopens n. Plural of autopen.
AUTOPEN n. a mechanical device used to produce imitation signatures.
LYCOPENElycopene n. (Organic chemistry) A red carotenoid pigment found in tomatoes, other red vegetables, and in animal…
LYCOPENE n. a red pigment.
OPENABLEopenable adj. Capable of being opened.
OPENABLE adj. able to be opened.
OPENCASTopencast adj. (Chiefly Britain) Of or pertaining to strip mining, in which material is removed from a surface that has been exposed.
open-cast adj. Alternative form of opencast.
OPENCAST adj. excavated from an open air site.
OPENINGSopenings n. Plural of opening.
OPENING n. a vacant space.
OPENNESSopenness n. Accommodating attitude or opinion, as in receptivity to new ideas, behaviors, cultures, peoples, environments…
openness n. The degree to which a person, group, organization, institution, or society exhibits this liberal attitude or opinion.
openness n. Lack of secrecy; candour, transparency.
OPENSIDEopenside n. (Rugby) The space on the side of the pitch with the larger distance between the breakdown/set piece and the touchline.
openside n. (Rugby union) Short for openside flanker.
open-side n. (Rugby) the portion of the field which is larger as measured from a scrum or breakdown to the touchline.
OPENWORKopenwork n. Any of several forms of metalwork or needlework having decorative openings.
openwork n. (Mining) A quarry; an open cut.
open-work n. Alternative spelling of openwork.
PROPENALpropenal n. (Organic chemistry) The compound acrolein.
PROPENAL n. another name for acrolein.
PROPENDSpropends v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of propend.
PROPEND v. (Shakespeare) to have a tendency toward.
PROPENESpropenes n. Plural of propene.
PROPENE n. a flammable gas.
PROPENOLPROPENOL n. a flammable gas.
PROPENSEpropense adj. (Archaic) Leaning toward, in a moral sense; inclined; disposed; prone.
PROPENSE adj. (obsolete) inclined.
PROPENYLpropenyl n. (Chemistry) A radical of propene (propylene).
PROPENYL n. a hydrocarbon radical related to propene.
REOPENEDreopened v. Past participle of reopen.
REOPEN v. to open again.
REOPENERreopener n. Anything that reopens.
REOPENER n. a clause in a contract for reconsideration.
SEMIOPENsemiopen adj. Partly open.
SEMIOPEN adj. partly open.
TWOPENCEtwopence n. (Britain, Ireland) A British or Irish coin worth two (old or new) pence.
twopence n. (Britain, Ireland) A cost or value of two pence.
twopence n. (Britain, Ireland) (by extension) A small amount or value.
TWOPENNYtwopenny adj. Having a value or cost of twopence.
twopenny adj. Cheap; worthless; petty.
twopenny n. (Britain, countable, dated) A coin or stamp worth two pence.
UNOPENEDunopened adj. Not yet opened; still closed.
UNOPENED adj. not opened.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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