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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 9 eight-letter words containing ONOI

AMMONOIDammonoid n. An extinct cephalopod of the subclass Ammonoidea (including ammonites).
ammonoid adj. Characteristic of an ammonite.
AMMONOID n. the coiled shell of an extinct mollusk, also AMMONITE.
ANCONOIDanconoid adj. Anconal; resembling the elbow.
ANCONOID adj. pertaining to the elbow.
ASCONOIDasconoid adj. (Biology, of a sponge) Having the form of a simple ascon.
ASCONOID adj. like an ascon, a type of sponge.
CONOIDALconoidal adj. Having the shape of a conoid; having a roughly conical shape.
CONOIDAL adj. nearly, but not exactly, conical, also CONOIDIC, CONOIDICAL.
CONOIDICconoidic adj. Relating to a conoid; having the form of a conoid.
CONOIDIC adj. nearly, but not exactly, conical, also CONOIDAL, CONOIDICAL.
CORONOIDcoronoid adj. (Anatomy) Shaped like the beak of a crow.
coronoid n. (Anatomy) A slender bone that forms part of the lower jaw of primitive vertebrates.
coronoid n. (Organic chemistry) Any polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon derived from coronene.
GLONOINSGLONOIN n. a name for nitroglycerine, as used in medicine.
HYPONOIAhyponoia n. The thought or idea that underlies a myth.
HYPONOIA n. a dulled mental activity, also HYPONEA.
SYCONOIDsyconoid n. A member of the genus Sycon of sponges.
SYCONOID adj. of or like a sycon, a type of sponge.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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