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There are 18 eight-letter words containing OGGE

BEFOGGEDbefogged adj. Obscured with fog or smoke; murky.
befogged adj. (Nautical) Caught in fog.
befogged adj. Confused, muddled.
BLOGGERSbloggers n. Plural of blogger.
BLOGGER n. one who maintains a weblog.
CLOGGERScloggers n. Plural of clogger.
CLOGGER n. a maker of clogs.
DEFOGGEDdefogged v. Simple past tense and past participle of defog.
DEFOG v. to remove fog from e.g. spectacles.
DEFOGGERdefogger n. Something or someone that defogs.
DEFOGGER n. an agent used for defogging.
DOGGEDERdoggeder adj. Comparative form of dogged: more dogged.
DOGGED adj. stubbornly determined.
DOGGEDLYdoggedly adv. In a way that is stubbornly persistent.
doggedly adv. (Dated) sullenly, gloomily.
DOGGED adv. stubbornly determined.
DOGGERELdoggerel adj. (Poetry) Of a crude or irregular construction.
doggerel n. (Poetry) A comic or humorous verse, usually irregular in measure.
DOGGEREL n. poor quality comic verse, also DOGGREL, DOGREL.
EMBOGGEDembogged v. Simple past tense and past participle of embog.
EMBOG v. to bog down.
FLOGGERSfloggers n. Plural of flogger.
FLOGGER n. one who flogs.
FROGGERYfroggery n. A place or enclosure where frogs are kept, and often bred.
FROGGERY n. a place where frogs are kept.
GROGGERYgroggery n. (Archaic) An establishment that sells alcoholic beverages.
GROGGERY n. a low public-house.
HOGGERELhoggerel n. A sheep of the second year.
HOGGEREL n. (dialect) a young sheep, also HOGG, HOGGET.
PROGGERSproggers n. Plural of progger.
PROGGER n. one who progs, wanders about and begs.
SLOGGERSsloggers n. Plural of slogger.
SLOGGER n. a person who hits hard in boxing, baseball, etc., also SLUGGER.
SNOGGERSsnoggers n. Plural of snogger.
SNOGGER n. one that snogs.
TOGGEREDTOGGER v. (colloquial) to play football.
VLOGGERSvloggers n. Plural of vlogger.
VLOGGER n. one who keeps a vlog, a video blog.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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