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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 8 eight-letter words containing ODIL

BLOODILYbloodily adv. In a bloody manner.
BLOODY adv. stained with blood, also BLUDIE, BLUDY, BLUIDY.
BODILESSbodiless adj. Lacking a body; incorporeal.
BODILESS adj. lacking material form.
BROODILYbroodily adv. In a broody manner.
BROODY adv. tending to brood.
CODILLAScodillas n. Plural of codilla.
CODILLA n. (Italian) the coarse tow of flax and hemp.
CODILLESCODILLE n. (French) a term at the card game omber, signifying that the game is won.
DAFFODILdaffodil adj. Of a brilliant yellow color, like that of a daffodil.
daffodil n. A bulbous plant of the genus Narcissus, with yellow flowers and a trumpet shaped corona, especially…
daffodil n. A brilliant yellow color, like that of a daffodil.
DYSODILEdysodile n. (Mineralogy) A soft, finely laminated, greenish or yellowish-grey impure earthy or coaly bitumen, which…
DYSODILE n. an impure earthy or coaly bitumen, which emits a highly fetid odor when burning, also DYSODIL, DYSODYLE.
DYSODILSdysodils n. Plural of dysodil.
DYSODIL n. an impure earthy or coaly bitumen, which emits a highly fetid odor when burning, also DYSODILE, DYSODYLE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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