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There are 17 seven-letter words containing OTIE

BOBOTIEbobotie n. (South Africa) A dish of curried mince with an egg custard baked on top.
BOBOTIE n. (South African) curried mincemeat topped with a baked egg crust.
BOOTIESbooties n. Plural of booty.
BOOTIE n. a baby's sock, also BOOTEE.
CLOOTIEclootie n. (Scotland) A piece of rag.
CLOOTIE adj. as in clootie dumpling, a suet pudding, containing currants, raisins, etc., steamed or boiled in a cloth.
COOTIEScooties n. Plural of cootie.
COOTIE n. (US slang) a body louse.
DHOOTIEdhootie n. Alternative form of dhoti.
DHOOTIE n. (Hindi) a loincloth worn by Indian men, also DHOOTI, DHOTI, DHUTI.
DOTIESTdotiest adj. Superlative form of doty: most doty.
DOTY adj. stained by decay.
FOOTIESfooties n. Plural of footy.
footies n. Plural of footie.
FOOTIE n. (slang) football.
HOOTIERhootier adj. Comparative form of hooty: more hooty.
HOOTY adj. sounding like the cry of an owl.
MOTIESTMOTEY adj. full of motes.
ROOTIERrootier adj. Comparative form of rooty: more rooty.
ROOTY adj. full of roots.
ROOTIESROOTY n. military slang for bread.
SHOOTIEshootie n. A kind of shoe with a high ankle resembling that of a boot.
SHOOTIE n. a fashionable shoe that covers the ankle.
SOOTIERsootier adj. Comparative form of sooty: more sooty.
SOOTY adj. covered with soot.
TOTIENTtotient n. (Mathematics) The number of positive integers not greater than a specified integer that are relatively prime to it.
TOTIENT n. the number of totitives of a number, i.e. numbers less than and prime to it.
ZLOTIESzloties n. Plural of zloty.
ZLOTY n. (Polish) a monetary unit of Poland.
ZOOTIERZOOTY adj. flashy in manner or style.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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