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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 9 seven-letter words containing ORDA

BORDARSbordars n. Plural of bordar.
BORDAR n. (historical) a tenant who holds land at his lord's pleasure.
CHORDAECHORDA n. (Latin) a primitive sort of spinal column.
CHORDALchordal adj. (Mathematics, music) Of, pertaining to, or consisting of chords.
chordal adj. (Music) Having an accompaniment of chords rather than a countermelody.
chordal adj. (Zoology) Having a notochord; chordate.
CORDAGEcordage n. (Nautical) A set of ropes and cords, especially that used for a ship’s rigging.
cordage n. (Obsolete) An amount of wood measured in cords.
CORDAGE n. ropes in the rigging of a ship.
CORDATEcordate n. (Philosophy) Any animal with a heart.
cordate n. (Archaeology) A heart-shaped hand axe.
cordate n. Misspelling of chordate.
JORDANSjordans n. Plural of jordan.
Jordans prop.n. Plural of Jordan.
Jordans prop.n. Basketball shoes on the Air Jordan brand.
MORDANTmordant adj. Having or showing a sharp or critical quality.
mordant adj. Serving to fix a dye to a fibre.
mordant n. Any substance used to facilitate the fixing of a dye to a fibre; usually a metallic compound which reacts…
ORDAINSordains v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of ordain.
ORDAIN v. to invest with holy authority.
WORDAGEwordage n. Words collectively.
wordage n. The excessive use of words; verbiage.
wordage n. The number of words used in a text.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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