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There are 11 seven-letter words containing OOFI

BOOFIERboofier adj. Comparative form of boofy: more boofy.
BOOFY adj. muscular and strong but stupid.
GOOFIERgoofier adj. Comparative form of goofy: more goofy.
GOOFY adj. foolish, stupid; (of teeth) protruding.
GOOFILYgoofily adv. In a goofy manner.
GOOFY adv. foolish, stupid; (of teeth) protruding.
GOOFINGgoofing v. Present participle of goof.
GOOF v. to blunder.
HOOFINGhoofing v. Present participle of hoof.
HOOF v. to dance.
OOFIESTOOFY adj. expensive, ostentatious.
ROOFIERROOFY adj. having a roof.
ROOFIESroofies n. Plural of roofie.
ROOFIE n. a tablet of a powerful sedative.
ROOFINGroofing n. Material used on the outside of a roof, such as shingles.
roofing n. The process of constructing a roof or roofs.
roofing n. A way of travel which consists in clambering over the roofs of skyscrapers.
WOOFIERwoofier adj. Comparative form of woofy: more woofy.
WOOFY adj. dense in texture.
WOOFINGwoofing v. Present participle of woof.
woofing n. Act of woofing; barking.
woofing n. Travelling to places for the purpose of volunteering on an organic farm there.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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