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There are 14 seven-letter words containing OGIE

BOOGIEDboogied v. Simple past tense and past participle of boogie.
BOOGIE v. to dance to rock music, also BOOGEY, BOOGY.
BOOGIESboogies n. Plural of boogie.
boogies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of boogie.
BOOGIE v. to dance to rock music, also BOOGEY, BOOGY.
CAMOGIEcamogie n. A women’s stick-and-ball sport from Ireland, almost identical to hurling.
CAMOGIE n. (Irish) an Irish game, a form of hurling, played by women.
ELOGIESelogies n. Plural of elogy.
ELOGY n. a funeral oration, also ELOGE, ELOGIUM.
LOGIESTlogiest adj. Superlative form of logy: most logy.
LOGY adj. sluggish, also LOGGY.
LOOGIESloogies n. Plural of loogie.
loogies n. Plural of loogy.
LOOGIE n. a mass of saliva and phlegm.
NOOGIESnoogies n. Plural of noogie, plural of noogy.
NOOGIE n. the act of inflicting pain by rubbing someone's head hard.
OLOGIESologies n. Plural of ology.
OLOGY n. a science whose name ends in -ology.
PEROGIEperogie n. Alternative spelling of pierogi.
PEROGIE n. (Russian) a small dumpling with a filling, also PEROGI, PEROGY, PIEROGI, PIROGI, PYROGY, PYROHY.
SHOOGIESHOOGIE v. (Scots) to swing, sway back and forth, also SHOGGLE, SHOOGLE.
SOOGIEDsoogied v. Simple past tense and past participle of soogie.
SOOGIE v. to clean a ship's deck with a solution of soap, soda etc., also SOOGEE, SOOJEY, SUJEE.
SOOGIESsoogies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of soogie.
SOOGIE v. to clean a ship's deck with a solution of soap, soda etc., also SOOGEE, SOOJEY, SUJEE.
STOGIESstogies n. Plural of stogie.
STOGIE n. a long, slender cigar, also STOGY, STOGEY.
VOGIESTVOGIE adj. (Scots) vain, proud; merry, cheerful.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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