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There are 17 seven-letter words containing ODIE

BOODIEDboodied v. Simple past tense and past participle of boody.
BOODY v. to sulk or mope.
BOODIESboodies n. Plural of boodie.
boodies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of boody.
BOODIE n. (Native Australian) a species of rat-kangaroo.
DOODIESdoodies n. Plural of doody.
doodies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of doody.
DOODY n. a childish word for excrement, also DOODOO.
FOODIESfoodies n. Plural of foodie.
FOODIE n. an enthusiast for food and its preparation, also FOODY.
GOODIERGoodier prop.n. A surname.
GOODY adj. affectedly virtuous.
GOODIESgoodies n. (Informal), plural of goody: confectionery or candy, or tasty snack foods such as potato chips.
goodies n. Plural of goodie.
GOODY n. an archaic title for a goodwife.
GRODIERgrodier adj. Comparative form of grody: more grody.
GRODY adj. (US slang) sleazy, grotty.
HOODIERhoodier adj. Comparative form of hoody: more hoody.
HOODY adj. resembling a hoodlum.
HOODIEShoodies n. Plural of hoodie.
hoodies n. Plural of hoody.
HOODIE n. a hooded crow.
MOODIEDMOODY v. to persuade by flattery.
MOODIERmoodier adj. Comparative form of moody: more moody.
MOODY adj. given to changing attitudes.
MOODIESMoodies prop.n. Plural of Moodie.
MOODY v. to persuade by flattery.
RHODIESrhodies n. Plural of rhodie.
rhodies n. Plural of rhody.
Rhodies n. Plural of Rhodie.
SCODIERSCODY adj. (NZ) unkempt, dirty, also SKODY.
SKODIERSKODY adj. dirty, unkempt, also SCODY.
WOODIERwoodier adj. Comparative form of woody: more woody.
WOODY adj. like wood.
WOODIESwoodies n. Plural of woody.
woodies n. Plural of woodie.
Woodies prop.n. Plural of Woodie.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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