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There are 10 seven-letter words containing ODER

BROODERbrooder n. A person who broods.
brooder n. A heated box used for chicks or premature babies.
BROODER n. a heated building or enclosure for rearing young chicks.
DECODERdecoder n. A person who decodes secret messages.
decoder n. A device that decodes a scrambled electronic signal e.g. of a satellite television signal.
DECODER n. one that decodes.
ENCODERencoder n. A device or algorithm used to encode something.
ENCODER n. one who encodes.
EXODERMexoderm n. An outer layer of skin.
exoderm n. The outermost layer of cells in a developing embryo.
EXODERM n. the external layer of an embryo, also ECTODERM, EPIBLAST.
FLOODERflooder n. (Agriculture) A channel or device for carrying and controlling water used in flood irrigation.
flooder n. (Internet slang) A person who floods message boards, chat rooms etc. with unwanted or repetitive comments.
flooder n. (Informal) Something that tends to flood.
FOODERYfoodery n. A place that serves food.
FOODERY n. a restaurant.
MODERNEModerne adj. Of or relating to the Streamline Moderne school of architecture.
MODERNE adj. (French) pretentiously modern.
MODERNE n. a design style of the 1920s and 1930s.
MODERNSmoderns n. Plural of modern.
MODERN n. a person with up to date views.
SHODERSshoders n. Plural of shoder.
SHODER n. a package of gold beater's skins in which gold is subjected to the second process of beating.
VOCODERvocoder n. Any of several electronic or digital devices or systems for the analysis and/or synthesis of speech.
vocoder v. (Transitive) To analyse or synthesize (speech) by means of a vocoder.
VOCODER n. an electronic device used in transmitting speech signals.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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