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There are 11 seven-letter words containing OATI

BOATIESboaties n. Plural of boatie.
BOATIE n. (slang) a rowing enthusiast.
BOATINGboating n. The activity of going out onto a body of water in a boat.
boating n. (Historical) In Persia, a punishment of capital offenders, by laying them on the back in a covered boat…
boating v. Present participle of boat.
COATINGcoating n. A thin outer layer.
coating n. (Archaic) Cloth for making coats.
coating n. (Law enforcement slang) A telling-off; a reprimand.
DOATINGdoating v. (Obsolete) present participle of doat; doting.
doating n. Obsolete form of doting.
DOATING n. an excessive love, also DOTING.
GOATIERgoatier adj. Comparative form of goaty: more goaty.
GOATY adj. like a goat, smelling of goat.
GOATIESGOATY n. a goatee beard, also GOATEE.
GOATISHgoatish adj. Goaty, goatlike.
GOATISH adj. lustful.
MOATINGmoating v. Present participle of moat.
MOAT v. to surround with a water-filled trench.
OATIESToatiest adj. Superlative form of oaty: most oaty.
OATY adj. like oats.
PSOATICpsoatic adj. Relating to the psoas.
PSOATIC adj. relating to the psoas, the loin muscle.
ROATINGROATE v. (Shakespeare) to learn by repetition, also ROTE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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