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There are 18 six-letter words containing OUPE

COUPEDcouped adj. (Heraldry) cut off smoothly, as distinguished from erased (used especially for the head or limb of an animal).
COUP v. (Scots) to overturn, turn up, also COWP.
COUPEEcoupee n. A motion in dancing, when one leg is a little bent and raised from the floor, and with the other a forward…
COUPEE n. (French) a salute to one's partner in dancing.
COUPERCOUPER n. (Scots) a dealer.
COUPEScoupes n. Plural of coupe.
coupés n. Plural of coupé.
COUPE n. (French) a four-wheeled closed horse-drawn carriage.
CROUPEcroupe n. Alternative form of croup.
CROUPE n. the rump of certain animals.
LOUPEDLOUP v. (Scots) to leap, also LOWP.
LOUPENLOUP v. (Scots) to leap, also LOWP.
LOUPESloupes n. Plural of loupe.
Loupes prop.n. Plural of Loupe.
LOUPE n. (French) a jeweller's magnifying glass worn on the eye-socket.
MOUPEDMOUP v. (Scots) to nibble, munch, also MOOP.
POUPEDPOUPE v. (obsolete) to befool, to cozen, also POOP.
POUPESPOUPE v. (obsolete) to befool, to cozen, also POOP.
ROUPEDrouped v. Simple past tense and past participle of roup.
rouped adj. Affected with roup; roupy.
ROUP v. (Scots) to auction.
ROUPETROUPET adj. (Scots) hoarse, also ROOPIT, ROUPIT, ROUPY.
SOUPEDsouped adj. (Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Connecticut, slang) Excited.
souped adj. In trouble or in difficulty. (Compare in the soup.)
souped v. Simple past tense and past participle of soup.
SOUPERsouper n. (Ireland, historical) Someone who, during the Irish famine, supplied food such as soup to Catholics…
souper n. (Ireland, historical) A (former) Catholic who converted to Protestantism in order to gain such food.
SOUPER n. in Ireland, a person who dispenses soup as a means of proselytising; one who has been converted in this way.
TOUPEEtoupee n. A wig of false hair worn to cover a bald spot, especially as worn by a man.
toupee n. (Obsolete) A little tuft; a curl or artificial lock of hair.
toupee n. (Obsolete) A small wig, or a toppiece of a wig.
TOUPETtoupet n. Archaic form of toupee.
TOUPET n. (French) a hairpiece worn to cover a bald spot, also TOUPEE.
TROUPEtroupe n. A company of, often touring, actors, singers or dancers.
troupe n. Any group of people working together on a shared activity.
troupe v. (Intransitive) To tour with a troupe.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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