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There are 10 six-letter words containing OTIC

AZOTICazotic adj. (Chemistry, obsolete) Pertaining to azote, or nitrogen; formed or consisting of azote.
azotic adj. (Obsolete) Fatal to animal life.
AZOTIC adj. nitric.
BIOTICbiotic adj. (Biology) Of, pertaining to, or produced by life or living organisms.
biotic adj. Misspelling of biontic.
biotic n. A nutritional substance that improves the health of gastrointestinal microorganisms, especially one…
EROTICerotic adj. Relating to or tending to arouse sexual desire or excitement.
erotic n. An amorous composition or poem.
EROTIC adj. relating to sexual desire.
EXOTICexotic adj. Foreign, especially in an exciting way.
exotic adj. Non-native to the ecosystem.
exotic adj. (Finance) Being or relating to an option with features that make it more complex than commonly traded options.
MIOTICmiotic adj. (Biology) Causing miosis (the constriction of the pupil of the eye).
miotic n. Any drug that causes miosis.
MIOTIC adj. relating to miosis, excessive contraction of the pupil of the eye, also MYOTIC.
MYOTICmyotic adj. Alternative form of miotic.
myotic n. Alternative form of miotic.
MYOTIC n. an agent that causes miosis, also MIOTIC.
NOTICEnotice n. (Chiefly uncountable) The act of observing; perception.
notice n. (Countable) A written or printed announcement.
notice n. (Countable) A formal notification or warning.
PHOTICphotic adj. Of, related to, or irradiated by light; especially describing that part of the near-surface ocean is…
PHOTIC adj. pertaining to light.
PTOTICptotic adj. Of or pertaining to ptosis.
PTOTIC adj. relating to ptosis, a drooping of the upper eyelid.
RHOTICrhotic adj. (Linguistics, of an English accent) That allows the phoneme /ɹ/ even when not followed by a vowel, as…
rhotic adj. (Linguistics, phonetics, of a phoneme) Having a sound quality associated with the letter R; having the…
rhotic n. (Phonetics) A rhotic consonant or rhotic vowel (R-coloured vowel).

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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