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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 16 six-letter words containing OTER

COOTERcooter n. A freshwater turtle of the eastern United States of the genus Pseudemys.
cooter n. The box turtle.
cooter n. (Slang) A redneck.
DOTERSdoters n. Plural of doter.
DOTER n. one who dotes, also DOATER.
EMOTERemoter n. One who emotes.
EMOTER n. one who emotes, shows agitated emotion.
FOOTERfooter n. (Archaic) A footgoer; pedestrian.
footer n. (Computing) A line of information printed at the bottom of a page to identify the contents. (Compare…
footer n. (In combination) Something that measures a stated number of feet in some dimension.
HOOTERhooter n. A person who hoots.
hooter n. The horn in a motor vehicle.
hooter n. (Britain) A siren or steam whistle, especially one in a factory and used to indicate the beginning or…
LOOTERlooter n. One who loots, who steals during a general disturbance such as a riot or natural disaster.
LOOTER n. one that loots.
MOOTERmooter n. A disputer of a mooted case.
mooter n. Alternative form of mootah.
MOOTER n. a disputer of a mooted case.
NOTERSnoters n. Plural of noter.
NOTER n. a person who makes notes.
POOTERpooter n. A glass jar used for collecting small insects etc; it has two tubes, one (protected by a gauze) which…
pooter v. To capture (insects) with a pooter.
pooter v. To move about aimlessly; to potter around.
QUOTERquoter n. Someone who quotes.
QUOTER n. one who quotes.
RIOTERrioter n. One who riots; part of the unruly violent crowd causing a riot.
RIOTER n. one that riots.
ROOTERrooter n. One who, or that which, roots; one that tears up by the roots.
rooter n. One who roots or rummages through something.
rooter n. (US, slang) One who roots for, or applauds, something.
SCOTERscoter n. Any one of several species of northern sea ducks of the genus Melanitta.
SCOTER n. a sea duck.
TOOTERtooter n. A person or device that toots; a person who plays upon a pipe or horn.
tooter n. (Slang) A straw used to inhale cocaine.
tooter n. (Vulgar, slang, derogatory) The anus.
TOTERStoters n. Plural of toter.
TOTER n. one who totes.
VOTERSvoters n. Plural of voter.
VOTER n. one who votes.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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