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There are 13 six-letter words containing OSER

CLOSERcloser adj. Comparative form of close: more close.
closer n. Someone or something that closes.
closer n. Someone or something that concludes.
COOSERCOOSER n. (Scots) a stallion, also CUSSER, CUISSER.
DOSERSdosers n. Plural of doser.
DOSER n. one who doses.
GROSERGROSER n. (Scots) a gooseberry, also GROSERT, GROSET, GROSSART.
HOSERShosers n. Plural of hoser.
HOSER n. a person who deceives or swindles others.
LOOSERlooser adj. Comparative form of loose: more loose.
looser n. One who looses, who sets loose or frees.
looser n. Misspelling of loser.
LOSERSlosers n. Plural of loser.
Losers prop.n. Plural of Loser.
LOSER n. one who loses.
NOOSERnooser n. Someone who uses a noose.
NOOSER n. one who nooses.
NOSERSnosers n. Plural of noser.
NOSER n. (slang) a blow or fall on the nose; a strong head wind.
POSERSposers n. Plural of poser.
POSER n. one that poses.
PROSERproser n. (Obsolete) One who writes prose.
proser n. One who talks or writes tediously.
PROSER n. a writer of prose, also PROSAIST.
ROOSERROOSER n. (Scots) a boaster.
ROSERYrosery n. A place where roses are cultivated; a nursery of roses.
ROSERY n. a place where roses are grown.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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