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There are 9 six-letter words containing OOLI

COOLIEcoolie n. An unskilled Asian worker, usually of Chinese or Indian descent; a labourer; a porter. Coolies were…
coolie n. (Offensive, Trinidad and Tobago, Caribbean, Guyana, Jamaica, South Africa and other parts of Africa)…
DOOLIEdoolie n. Alternative form of dooly (“covered litter”).
doolie n. (US) A first-year student at the United States Air Force Academy; a cadet freshman.
DOOLIE n. (Hindi) a litter or palanquin, also DHOOLY, DOOLEE, DOOLY.
GOOLIEgoolie n. (Slang) Alternative spelling of gooly.
GOOLIE n. (Australian) a small stone; (plural) testicles, also GOOLEY, GOOLY.
HOOLIEhoolie n. (Slang) A hooligan.
hoolie n. A very strong wind.
hoolie n. (Scotland) A celebration.
MOOLISmoolis n. Plural of mooli.
MOOLI n. an East African vegetable like a radish.
OOLITEoolite n. (Geology) A rock consisting of spherical grains within a mineral cortex accreted around a nucleus, often…
oolite n. (Countable, rare) An ooid or oolith.
oölite n. Alternative form of oolite.
OOLITHoolith n. (Geology) A spherical granule of which oolite is composed, formed by concentric accretion of thin layers…
oolith n. (Rare) Oolite.
OOLITH n. any of the small rounded granules of which oolite is composed.
TOOLIEtoolie n. (Colloquial, oil industry) A tool dresser.
toolie n. (Australia, slang) An adult reveller who deliberately travels to a destination where schoolies (senior…
toolie n. (Slang, US, MTE, MLE, and possibly wider) A gun.
WOOLIEWOOLIE n. a woollen garment, also WOOLLY, WOOLY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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