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There are 17 six-letter words containing ONNE

BONNESbonnes n. Plural of bonne.
BONNE n. (French) a French maid or nursemaid.
BONNETbonnet n. A type of hat, once worn by women or children, held in place by ribbons tied under the chin.
bonnet n. A traditional Scottish woollen brimless cap; a bunnet.
bonnet n. (By extension) The polishing head of a power buffer, often made of wool.
CONNEDconned v. Simple past tense and past participle of con.
conned v. Simple past tense and past participle of conn.
CONNE v. (Spenser) to know, also CON, KON.
CONNERconner n. The corkwing wrasse (Symphodus melops).
conner n. The bergall or cunner (Tautogolabrus adspersus).
Conner prop.n. An English surname originating as an occupation from Middle English connere, cunnere "inspector (of…
CONNESCONNE v. (Spenser) to know, also CON, KON.
DONNEDdonned v. Simple past tense and past participle of don.
DON v. to put on.
DONNEEdonnée n. A given; in a literary work, that which is assumed as to characters, situation, etc., as a basis for…
DONNEE n. (French) a datum, something given, also DONNE.
DONNESDONNE n. (French) a datum, something given, also DONNEE.
FONNEDFON v. to fool, be foolish.
RONNELRONNEL n. an insecticide.
SONNESsonnes n. Plural of sonne.
Sonnes prop.n. Plural of Sonne.
SONNE n. (obsolete) sun or son.
SONNETsonnet n. A fixed verse form of Italian origin consisting of fourteen lines that are typically five-foot iambics…
sonnet v. (Intransitive) To compose sonnets.
sonnet v. (Transitive) To celebrate in sonnets; to write a sonnet about.
STONNESTONNE v. (obsolete) to stun, also STONN, STOUN.
TONNERtonner n. (In combination) A vehicle or other object having a specified tonnage, or weighing a specified number of tons.
TONNER n. an object having a specified tonnage.
TONNEStonnes n. Plural of tonne.
TONNE n. (French) the preferred name for a metric ton, a unit of weight equal to 1000 kilograms.
WONNEDWON v. (archaic) to dwell, also WOON.
WONNERWONNER n. (Scots) a wonder.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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