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There are 8 six-letter words containing OGGI

COGGIECOGGIE n. (Scots) a small wooden bowl, also COGIE, COGUE.
DOGGIEdoggie n. (Childish or endearing) Alternative spelling of doggy.
DOGGIE n. a small dog, also DOGGY.
HOGGINhoggin n. A mixture of clay, gravel and sand, used as a base for laying pavements and paths.
HOGGIN n. sifted gravel, also HOGGING.
LOGGIAloggia n. (Architecture) A roofed, open gallery, usually on an upper level.
LOGGIA n. (Italian) an open-sided gallery or arcade.
LOGGIEloggie n. Plural of loggia.
loggie n. (Slang, often military) A person who works in logistics.
LOGGIA n. (Italian) an open-sided gallery or arcade.
MOGGIEmoggie n. Alternative spelling of moggy (“a cat”).
moggie n. (Slang) The drug nitrazepam (Mogadon).
MOGGIE n. (colloquial) a cat, also MOGGY.
NOGGINnoggin n. A small mug, cup or ladle; the contents of such a container.
noggin n. (Dated outside dialects) A small measure of spirits equivalent to a gill.
noggin n. (Slang) The head.
OGGINSoggins n. Plural of oggin.
OGGIN n. (slang) naval slang for the sea.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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