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There are 13 six-letter words containing OCHE

BROCHEbroche n. Obsolete form of brooch.
broche v. Obsolete form of broach.
broché adj. Woven with a figure.
CLOCHEcloche n. A glass covering, originally bell-shaped, for garden plants to prevent frost damage and promote early growth.
cloche n. A bell-shaped, close-fitting women’s hat with a deep rounded crown and narrow rim.
cloche n. A tableware cover, often resembling a bell.
COCHESCOCH n. (Spenser) a coach.
CROCHEcroche n. (Obsolete) A little bud or knob at the top of a deer’s antler.
CROCHE n. (French) a knob at the top of a deer's horn.
LOCHESloches n. Plural of loche.
LOCHE n. a fish of the cod family.
MOCHEDMOCH v. (of foods) to become musty or spoiled.
NOCHELNOCHEL v. to repudiate the debts of someone, also NOTCHEL.
OCHERSochers n. Plural of ocher.
OCHER n. a native pigment composed of fine earth and an iron oxide, also OCHRE.
OCHERYochery adj. Ocherous.
ROCHESroches n. Plural of roche.
ROCH n. the little auk, also ROTCH, ROTCHE, ROTCHIE.
ROCHETrochet n. A white vestment, worn by a bishop, similar to a surplice but with narrower sleeves, extending either…
rochet n. (Now rare, historical) A frock or outer garment worn in the 13th and 14th centuries.
rochet n. (Obsolete) The red gurnard.
TOCHERtocher n. A dowry.
tocher v. (Transitive) To supply with a dowry.
TOCHER v. (Gaelic) to dower.
TROCHEtroche n. A lozenge; a cough drop.
Troche prop.n. A surname.
TROCHE n. a medicinal lozenge, also TROCHISCUS, TROCHISK.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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