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There are 8 five-letter words containing OVER

COVERcover n. A lid.
cover n. (Uncountable) Area or situation which screens a person or thing from view.
cover n. The front and back of a book, magazine, CD package, etc.
DOVERDover prop.n. A town and major port in Kent, England, the closest point to France.
Dover prop.n. A sea area between this port and France.
Dover prop.n. A local government district of Kent, including this port.
HOVERhover v. (Transitive).
hover v. (Intransitive).
hover n. An act, or the state, of remaining stationary in the air or some other place.
LOVERlover n. One who loves and cares for another person in a romantic way; a sweetheart, love, soulmate, boyfriend…
lover n. A sexual partner, especially one with whom someone is having an affair.
lover n. A person who loves something.
MOVERmover n. Someone who or something that moves.
mover n. A dancer.
mover n. A person employed to help people move their possessions from one residence to another.
OVERSovers n. Plural of over.
OVER v. to go, leap or vault over.
OVERTovert adj. Open and not concealed or secret.
OVERT adj. open to view.
ROVERrover n. (Archery, usually in the plural) A randomly selected target.
rover n. One who roves, a wanderer, a nomad.
rover n. A vagabond, a tramp, an unsteady, restless person, one who by habit doesn’t settle down or marry.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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