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There are 7 five-letter words containing ORSE

CORSEcorse n. (Obsolete) A (living) body.
corse n. (Archaic) A dead body, a corpse.
Corse prop.n. An uncommon surname originating in Europe, specifically the United Kingdom and Scandinavia.
DORSEdorse n. The Baltic cod or variable cod (Gadus morhua callarias).
dorse n. (Obsolete) The back of a book.
dorse n. (Obsolete) A dossal.
GORSEgorse n. Evergreen shrub, of the genus Ulex, having spiny leaves and yellow flowers.
GORSE n. any prickly papilionaceous shrub of the genus Ulex, with yellow flowers, also GOSSE.
HORSEhorse n. A hoofed mammal, Equus ferus caballus, often used throughout history for riding and draft work.
horse n. Equipment with legs.
horse n. (Nautical) Type of equipment.
MORSEmorse n. A clasp or fastening used to fasten a cope in the front, usually decorative.
morse n. (Now rare) A walrus.
Morse prop.n. A surname transferred from the given name, variant of Morris, from the given name Maurice.
TORSEtorse n. (Heraldry) A twist of cloth or wreath underneath and forming part of a crest; an orle, a wreath. It…
torse n. Obsolete form of torso.
TORSE n. (French) a heraldic wreath.
WORSEworse adj. Comparative form of bad: more bad.
worse adj. Comparative form of ill: more ill.
worse adv. Comparative form of badly (adverb): more badly.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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