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There are 11 five-letter words containing ONES

BONESbones n. Plural of bone.
bones n. A percussive folk musical instrument played as a pair in one hand, often made from bovine ribs.
bones n. (Informal) The act of two fists meeting together in the manner equivalent to a high-five.
CONEScones n. Plural of cone.
cones v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of cone.
Cones prop.n. A surname from German.
FONESfones n. Plural of fone.
FONE n. (colloq.) a phone.
HONEShones n. Plural of hone.
hones v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of hone.
HONE v. to whet.
JONESjones n. (US, slang, now rare) Heroin.
jones n. (US, slang) An addiction or intense craving.
jones v. (US, slang) Have an intense craving.
NONESnones n. (Historical, often capitalized) The notional first-quarter day of a Roman month, occurring on the 7th…
nones n. (Historical, sometimes capitalized) The ninth hour after dawn (about 3 pm).
nones n. (Christian) The divine office appointed to the hour.
PONESpones n. Plural of pone.
PONE n. a kind of corn bread.
RONESRones prop.n. Plural of Rone.
RONE n. (Scots) a roof-gutter, also RHONE, ROAN, ROANPIPE, RONEPIPE.
SONESsones n. Plural of sone.
Sones prop.n. A surname.
Sones n. Plural of Sone.
TONEStones n. Plural of tone.
tones v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of tone.
TONE v. to give a particular tone to.
ZONESzones n. Plural of zone.
zones v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of zone.
ZONE v. to arrange in areas.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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