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There are 7 five-letter words containing ONCE

BONCEbonce n. (British, Ireland, slang) The human head.
bonce n. (Dated) The kind of marble used in the game of bonce about.
BONCE n. a large marble used in games.
NONCEnonce n. The one or single occasion; the present reason or purpose (now only in for the nonce).
nonce n. (Lexicography) A nonce word.
nonce n. (Cryptography) A value constructed so as to be unique to a particular message in a stream, in order…
ONCERoncer n. (Informal, historical) A one-pound note.
oncer n. (Poetic) A person who does something once.
oncer n. (Informal) A single sexual encounter between two individuals, a one-night stand.
ONCESonces n. Plural of once.
ONCE n. one time.
ONCEToncet adv. (Southern US, South Midland US, uncommon) Once.
ONCET adv. (Southern US dialect) once.
PONCEponce n. (UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, derogatory, slang) A man living off another’s earnings, especially…
ponce n. (Britain, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, derogatory, slang) Synonym of poof: an effeminate male homosexual;…
ponce v. To act as a pimp.
SONCESONCE n. (Scots) good luck, abundance, also SONSE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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