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List of 15-letter words containing

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There are 16 fifteen-letter words containing OCIA

ANTISOCIALITIESANTISOCIALITY n. the quality of being antisocial.
ASSOCIABILITIESassociabilities n. Plural of associability.
ASSOCIABILITY n. the quality of being associable.
ASSOCIATIONISMSassociationisms n. Plural of associationism.
ASSOCIATIONISM n. the theory which considers association of ideas to be the basis of all mental activity.
ASSOCIATIONISTSassociationists n. Plural of associationist.
ASSOCIATIONIST n. one who believes in the theory of associationism.
ASSOCIATIVITIESassociativities n. Plural of associativity.
ASSOCIATIVITY n. the quality of being associative.
DISASSOCIATIONSdisassociations n. Plural of disassociation.
DISASSOCIATION n. the act of disassociating.
DISSOCIABLENESSDISSOCIABLE n. that can be dissociated.
HETEROSOCIALITYheterosociality n. (Sociology, psychology) Social interaction between men and women.
HETEROSOCIALITY n. the state of being heterosocial.
HOMOSOCIALITIEShomosocialities n. Plural of homosociality.
HOMOSOCIALITY n. the state of being homosocial.
INSOCIABILITIESINSOCIABILITY n. the state of being insociable.
PHOTODISSOCIATEphotodissociate v. To cause, or to undergo photodissociation.
PHOTODISSOCIATE v. to effect photodissociation, dissociation produced by the absorption of radiant energy.
RESOCIALISATIONresocialisation n. Alternative form of resocialization.
RESOCIALISATION n. the act of resocialising, also RESOCIALIZATION.
RESOCIALIZATIONresocialization n. The psychological readjustment of a person to conform to the norms of society (e.g. after being institutionalized).
RESOCIALIZATION n. the act of resocializing, also RESOCIALISATION.
SOCIALISTICALLYsocialistically adv. In a socialist manner, like a socialist.
SOCIALISTIC adv. related to socialism.
SUBASSOCIATIONSsubassociations n. Plural of subassociation.
SUBASSOCIATION n. a subordinate association.
UNSOCIABILITIESunsociabilities n. Plural of unsociability.
UNSOCIABILITY n. the state of being unsociable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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