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There are 18 fourteen-letter words containing OCIA

ANTISOCIALISTSantisocialists n. Plural of antisocialist.
anti-socialists n. Plural of anti-socialist.
ANTISOCIALIST n. one who is antisocial.
ASSOCIATESHIPSassociateships n. Plural of associateship.
ASSOCIATESHIP n. the post of associate.
ASSOCIATIONISMassociationism n. (Psychology) A theory that association (of experiences etc) is the basis of consciousness and mental activity.
ASSOCIATIONISM n. the theory which considers association of ideas to be the basis of all mental activity.
ASSOCIATIONISTassociationist n. (Philosophy) One who explains the higher functions and relations of the soul by the association of ideas.
associationist n. (Psychology) A proponent of associationism.
associationist n. (Islam) a mushrik; one who ascribes partners to Allah (God) or believes in the Trinity. (Can we add…
CONSOCIATIONALconsociational adj. (Politics, of a state) Having major internal divisions along ethnic, religious, or linguistic lines…
CONSOCIATIONAL adj. relating to consociation, association in fellowship or alliance.
DISASSOCIATINGdisassociating v. Present participle of disassociate.
DISASSOCIATE v. to separate from association or union with another, also DISSOCIATE.
DISASSOCIATIONdisassociation n. Dissociation.
DISASSOCIATION n. the act of disassociating.
DISSOCIABILITYdissociability n. The quality of being dissociable; ability to be dissociated or separated.
dissociability n. (Obsolete) Lack of sociability; unsociableness.
DISSOCIABILITY n. the state of being dissociable.
DISSOCIALISINGdissocialising v. Present participle of dissocialise.
DISSOCIALISE v. to make unsocial, also DISSOCIALIZE.
DISSOCIALITIESDISSOCIALITY n. the state of being dissocial.
DISSOCIALIZINGdissocializing v. Present participle of dissocialize.
DISSOCIALIZE v. to make unsocial, also DISSOCIALISE.
PSYCHOSOCIALLYpsychosocially adv. With regard to psychosociology.
PSYCHOSOCIAL adv. involving both psychological and social aspects.
SOCIABLENESSESSOCIABLENESS n. the state of being sociable.
SOCIALISATIONSsocialisations n. Plural of socialisation.
SOCIALISATION n. the act of socialising, also SOCIALIZATION.
SOCIALIZATIONSsocializations n. Plural of socialization.
SOCIALIZATION n. the act of socializing, also SOCIALISATION.
SUBASSOCIATIONsubassociation n. A subset of a larger association.
SUBASSOCIATION n. a subordinate association.
UNSOCIABLENESSunsociableness n. The state or quality of being unsociable.
UNSOCIABLENESS n. the state of being unsociable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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