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There are 16 thirteen-letter words containing OTOC

PHOTOCATHODESphotocathodes n. Plural of photocathode.
PHOTOCATHODE n. a cathode that emits electrons when exposed to radiant energy and esp. light.
PHOTOCHEMICALphotochemical adj. (Chemistry) of, relating to, or produced by photochemistry or by photochemical reactions.
photochemical n. Any chemical compound (such as silver halides) used in photography.
PHOTOCHEMICAL adj. of, relating to, or resulting from the chemical action of radiant energy and esp. light.
PHOTOCHEMISTSphotochemists n. Plural of photochemist.
PHOTOCHEMIST n. a practitioner of photochemistry.
PHOTOCHROMICSphotochromics n. The study of photochromism.
PHOTOCHROMIC n. a photochromic material.
PHOTOCHROMIESphotochromies n. Plural of photochromy.
PHOTOCHROMY n. a former process of colour photography.
PHOTOCHROMISMphotochromism n. The reversible transformation of the optical properties of a material when exposed to electromagnetic…
PHOTOCHROMISM n. the property of changing color on exposure to light or other radiation and of reverting to original color immediately the light or radiation source is removed.
PHOTOCOMPOSEDphotocomposed v. Simple past tense and past participle of photocompose.
PHOTOCOMPOSE v. to set (as reading matter) by photocomposition.
PHOTOCOMPOSERphotocomposer n. A machine that performs photocomposition.
PHOTOCOMPOSER n. one who photocomposes.
PHOTOCOMPOSESphotocomposes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of photocompose.
PHOTOCOMPOSE v. to set (as reading matter) by photocomposition.
PHOTOCOPIABLEphotocopiable adj. Capable of being photocopied.
PHOTOCOPIABLE adj. that can be photocopied.
PHOTOCOPYINGSphotocopyings n. Plural of photocopying.
PHOTOCOPYING n. the act of making a photocopy.
PHOTOCURRENTSphotocurrents n. Plural of photocurrent.
PHOTOCURRENT n. a stream of electrons produced by photoelectric or photovoltaic effects.
PROTOCERATOPSSorry, definition not available.
PROTOCHORDATEprotochordate n. Any chordate of the phyla Hemichordata, Urochordata or Cephalochordata.
PROTOCHORDATE n. a member of the Protochordata.
PROTOCOLISINGprotocolising v. Present participle of protocolise.
PROTOCOLISE v. to make a protocol of, also PROTOCOLIZE.
PROTOCOLIZINGprotocolizing v. Present participle of protocolize.
PROTOCOLIZE v. to make a protocol of, also PROTOCOLISE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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