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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 13 thirteen-letter words containing OTEN

BETACAROTENESBETACAROTENE n. a nutrient found in yellow and orange fruits and vegetables.
EQUIPOTENTIALequipotential adj. Having equal potential.
equipotential n. A region whose every point has the same potential.
EQUIPOTENTIAL adj. having the same potential.
IDEMPOTENCIESIDEMPOTENCY n. the state of being idempotent.
ISOTENISCOPESISOTENISCOPE n. an instrument used to measure vapour pressure.
NORMOTENSIONSNORMOTENSION n. normal blood pressure.
NORMOTENSIVESnormotensives n. Plural of normotensive.
NORMOTENSIVE n. someone with normal pressure.
OMNIPOTENCIESomnipotencies n. Plural of omnipotency.
OMNIPOTENCY n. the state of being omnipotent, also OMNIPOTENCE.
PLENIPOTENCESplenipotences n. Plural of plenipotence.
PLENIPOTENCE n. absolute power, also PLENIPOTENCY.
POTENTIATIONSpotentiations n. Plural of potentiation.
POTENTIATION n. the act of potentiating.
POTENTIOMETERpotentiometer n. (Electronics) A user-adjustable three-terminal variable resistor that can be used as a voltage divider.
potentiometer n. (Physics) An instrument that measures a voltage by opposing it with a precise fraction of a known voltage…
POTENTIOMETER n. an instrument for measuring electromotive forces.
POTENTIOMETRYpotentiometry n. (Physics) The measurement of electrical potential (voltage) using a potentiometer.
POTENTIOMETRY n. the measurement of the potential difference of electromotive force.
THERMOTENSILEthermotensile adj. Pertaining to the variation of tensile strength with temperature.
THERMOTENSILE adj. of or relating to tensile strength in so far as it is affected by temperature.
TOTIPOTENCIESTOTIPOTENCY n. the state of being totipotent, capable of development into a complete organ or embryo.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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