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There are 20 twelve-letter words containing OPRI

APPROPRIABLEappropriable adj. (Law) Able to be appropriated.
APPROPRIABLE adj. capable of being appropriated.
APPROPRIATEDappropriated v. Simple past tense and past participle of appropriate.
appropriated adj. Set aside for a specified purpose.
APPROPRIATE v. to take exclusive possession of.
APPROPRIATESappropriates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of appropriate.
APPROPRIATE v. to take exclusive possession of.
APPROPRIATORappropriator n. A person who appropriates something.
appropriator n. The religious organization that owns the income of a benefice.
APPROPRIATOR n. one who appropriates.
AZATHIOPRINEazathioprine n. (Pharmacology) A purine antimetabolite immunosuppressant used in organ transplant and autoimmune diseases…
AZATHIOPRINE n. a synthetic drug used in transplant surgery to suppress the body's immune system.
BIOPRINTINGSBIOPRINTING n. the construction of replacement body parts using techniques developed for three-dimensional printing.
BIOPRIVACIESBIOPRIVACY n. the state of freedom from others having unauthorized access to biometric data about oneself.
COPRINCIPALScoprincipals n. Plural of coprincipal.
COPRINCIPAL n. a joint principal.
COPROPRIETORcoproprietor n. A joint proprietor; one who owns a business in conjunction with others.
COPROPRIETOR n. a joint proprietor.
DISPROPRIATEdispropriate v. (Transitive) To cancel the appropriation of; to disappropriate.
DISPROPRIATE v. (obsolete) to disappropriate.
EXPROPRIABLEexpropriable adj. Capable of being expropriated, or seized for public use.
EXPROPRIABLE adj. that can be expropriated.
EXPROPRIATEDexpropriated v. Simple past tense and past participle of expropriate.
EXPROPRIATE v. to deprive of possession or proprietary rights.
EXPROPRIATESexpropriates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of expropriate.
EXPROPRIATE v. to deprive of possession or proprietary rights.
EXPROPRIATORexpropriator n. Agent noun of expropriate; one who expropriates.
EXPROPRIATOR n. one who expropriates.
IMPROPRIATEDimpropriated v. Simple past tense and past participle of impropriate.
IMPROPRIATE v. to transfer ecclesiastical revenue to a layman.
IMPROPRIATESimpropriates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of impropriate.
IMPROPRIATE v. to transfer ecclesiastical revenue to a layman.
IMPROPRIATORimpropriator n. (Archaic) A layperson in possession of ecclesiastical property.
IMPROPRIATOR n. a layman who is in possession of a benefice or its revenues.
MICROPRINTEDmicroprinted adj. Rendered in microprint; printed at a very small size.
MICROPRINT v. to make a microprint of.
PROPRIETRESSproprietress n. A female proprietor.
PROPRIETRESS n. a woman who is a proprietor, also PROPRIETRIX.
TRIMETHOPRIMtrimethoprim n. (Pharmacology) A synthetic antibiotic used to treat malaria and respiratory and urinary infections (usually…
TRIMETHOPRIM n. a synthetic antibacterial and antimalarial drug used alone or in combination with sulfamethoxazole.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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