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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 9 twelve-letter words containing OPRE

CHLOROPRENESchloroprenes n. Plural of chloroprene.
CHLOROPRENE n. a colorless liquid used esp. in making neoprene by polymerization.
COPRESENTINGcopresenting v. Present participle of copresent.
COPRESENT v. to present jointly with another.
COPRESIDENTScopresidents n. Plural of copresident.
COPRESIDENT n. a joint president.
CRYOPRESERVEcryopreserve v. To preserve something (especially biological tissue) by freezing it and holding it a very low temperature.
CRYOPRESERVE v. to preserve by freezing.
GEOPRESSUREDgeopressured adj. Subject to geologic overpressure.
GEOPRESSURED adj. subjected to great pressure from geologic forces.
ISOPRENALINEisoprenaline n. (Pharmacology) A sympathomimetic beta-adrenergic agonist medication, structurally similar to epinephrine…
ISOPRENALINE n. a drug used to stimulate the heart and to dilate the air-passages in asthma and bronchial conditions.
POLYISOPRENEpolyisoprene n. (Chemistry) Any polymer whose constituent monomer is isoprene; especially natural, and some synthetic, rubbers.
POLYISOPRENE n. a rubberlike polymer of isoprene.
VASOPRESSINSvasopressins n. Plural of vasopressin.
VASOPRESSIN n. a pituitary hormone that raises blood pressure, regulates kidney secretion, etc.
VASOPRESSORSvasopressors n. Plural of vasopressor.
VASOPRESSOR n. a drug causing a rise in blood pressure by exerting a vasoconstrictor effect.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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