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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 14 eleven-letter words containing OTOT

NOTOTHERIUMNototherium prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Diprotodontidae – extinct marsupials with hypsodont molars, a relative…
NOTOTHERIUM n. an extinct Pleistocene rhinoceros-sized marsupial of the genus Nototherium, related to the wombats.
OTOTOXICITYototoxicity n. Damage to the ear, specifically the cochlea and sometimes the vestibular system, by a toxin.
OTOTOXICITY n. the state of being ototoxic.
PHOTOTACTICphototactic adj. Of or relating to phototaxis.
PHOTOTACTIC adj. exhibiting phototaxis.
PHOTOTAXIESPHOTOTAXY n. the movement of an entire organism in response to light.
PHOTOTROPESPHOTOTROPE n. a substance exhibiting phototropism, movement directed by light.
PHOTOTROPHSphototrophs n. Plural of phototroph.
PHOTOTROPH n. a plant which uses light to generate energy needed to absorb nutrients.
PHOTOTROPICphototropic adj. Having a tendency to move in response to light. An animal or microbe that is positively phototropic…
PHOTOTROPIC adj. relating to phototropism, movement directed by light.
PHOTOTYPIESPHOTOTYPY n. the art or process of producing phototypes.
PHOTOTYPINGphototyping v. Present participle of phototype.
PHOTOTYPE v. to print by this means.
PROTOTROPHSprototrophs n. Plural of prototroph.
PROTOTROPH n. a bacterium feeding only on inorganic matter.
PROTOTROPHYprototrophy n. The condition of being a prototroph.
PROTOTROPHY n. the state of being prototrophic.
PROTOTYPINGprototyping n. The rapid creation of prototypes of a new product for demonstration and research purposes.
PROTOTYPE v. to make a prototype.
ROTOTILLERSrototillers n. Plural of rototiller.
ROTOTILLER n. an implement used to rototill.
ROTOTILLINGrototilling n. The use of a rototiller.
rototilling v. Present participle of rototill.
ROTOTILL v. to till soil with a type of farming implement.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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