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There are 15 eleven-letter words containing ONIO

ACRIMONIOUSacrimonious adj. (Archaic) Harsh and sharp, or bitter and not pleasant to the taste; acrid, pungent.
acrimonious adj. (Figuratively) Angry, acid, and sharp in delivering argumentative replies: bitter, mean-spirited, sharp…
ACRIMONIOUS adj. caustic, biting, or rancorous esp. in feeling, language, or manner.
ANTIMONIOUSantimonious adj. Of or containing antimony.
antimonious adj. (Inorganic chemistry) Containing trivalent antimony.
ANTIMONIOUS adj. containing trivalent antimony.
CALCEDONIOSCALCEDONIO n. a type of Venetian coloured glass resembling natural stones like chalcedony.
CEREMONIOUSceremonious adj. Fond of ceremony, ritual or strict etiquette; punctilious.
ceremonious adj. Characterized by ceremony or rigid formality.
CEREMONIOUS adj. devoted to forms and ceremony.
CONIOLOGIESCONIOLOGY n. the study of atmospheric pollutants and dust, also KONIOLOGY.
FELONIOUSLYfeloniously adv. In a felonious manner; in a manner that constitutes a felony.
FELONIOUS adv. like a felon, wicked.
GONIOMETERSgoniometers n. Plural of goniometer.
GONIOMETER n. an instrument for measuring angles; direction finder.
GONIOMETRICgoniometric adj. Of, relating to, or determined by a goniometer.
GONIOMETRIC adj. relating to measurement by goniometer.
GONIOSCOPESgonioscopes n. Plural of gonioscope.
GONIOSCOPE n. an instrument used for examining the structures of the eye between the cornea and the lens that are not directly visible.
KONIOLOGIESKONIOLOGY n. the study of atmospheric pollutants and dust, also CONIOLOGY.
NONIONISINGNONIONISING adj. not resulting in ionization, also NONIONIZING.
NONIONIZINGnonionizing adj. Not ionizing.
NONIONIZING adj. not ionizing, also NONIONISING.
PHAELONIONSPHAELONION n. an Eastern vestment like a chasuble, also PHELONION.
SYMPHONIONSsymphonions n. Plural of symphonion.
SYMPHONION n. a combination of piano and harmonium.
SYMPHONIOUSsymphonious adj. Of or pertaining to simultaneous sounds that are harmonious together.
SYMPHONIOUS adj. agreeing esp. in sound.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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