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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing OMED

AEROMEDICALaeromedical adj. Of or pertaining to aeromedicine.
AEROMEDICAL adj. of or relating to aeromedicine.
BIOMEDICINEbiomedicine n. The application of biology and physiology to clinical medicine.
biomedicine n. The branch of medicine that studies the effects of environmental stress on organisms (most often in space travel).
biomedicine n. (Countable) A medicine created with the use of living organisms.
COMEDICALLYcomedically adv. In a comedic manner; using comedy.
COMEDIC adv. of or relating to comedy.
COMEDIENNEScomediennes n. Plural of comedienne.
COMEDIENNE n. a women who plays in comedy.
COMEDIETTAScomediettas n. Plural of comedietta.
COMEDIETTA n. (Italian) a dramatic sketch; a brief comedy.
COMEDOGENICcomedogenic adj. (Medicine, dermatology) Tending to produce acne, i.e. comedones.
comedogenic n. (Medicine, dermatology) A substance that tends to produce acne, such as by clogging pores on the skin.
COMEDOGENIC adj. causing or aggravating acne.
DROMEDARIESdromedaries n. Plural of dromedary.
dromedaries n. Plural of dromedarie (“obsolete spelling of dromedary”).
DROMEDARY n. the Arabian camel, having one hump or protuberance on the back, in distinction from the Bactrian camel, which has two humps, also DROMEDARE.
EMBLOSSOMEDemblossomed v. Simple past tense and past participle of emblossom.
EMBLOSSOM v. to cover or adorn with blossoms.
ENFREEDOMEDenfreedomed v. Simple past tense and past participle of enfreedom.
ENFREEDOM v. (Shakespeare) to set free, also ENFREE.
GEOMEDICINEgeomedicine n. A branch of medicine concerned with the effect of geographic factors on health.
GEOMEDICINE n. the study of diseases as influenced by the geographical environment.
HYDROMEDUSAhydromedusa n. The South American snake-necked turtle.
HYDROMEDUSA n. a hydrozoan in its medusoid stage, also HYDROMEDUSAN, HYDROMEDUSOID.
MULTIROOMEDmultiroomed adj. Having multiple rooms.
MULTIROOMED adj. having many rooms.
OVERGLOOMEDovergloomed v. Simple past tense and past participle of overgloom.
OVERGLOOM v. to cover with gloom.
POLYCHROMEDpolychromed adj. Strikingly multicolored, as if by polychromy.
POLYCHROME v. to colour in many colours.
REBLOSSOMEDreblossomed v. Simple past tense and past participle of reblossom.
REBLOSSOM v. to blossom again.
SOMATOMEDINsomatomedin n. (Biochemistry) Any of a group of peptides which mediate the action of somatotropin on cartilage.
SOMATOMEDIN n. an endogenous peptide pronounced in the liver.
TRAGICOMEDYtragicomedy n. (Uncountable) The genre of drama that combines elements of tragedy and comedy.
tragicomedy n. (Countable) A drama that combines elements of tragedy and comedy.
TRAGICOMEDY n. a drama or a situation blending tragic and comic elements.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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