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There are 20 ten-letter words containing OPTE

CHIROPTERSchiropters n. Plural of chiropter.
CHIROPTER n. a type of bat.
COLEOPTERAColeoptera prop.n. A taxonomic order within the superorder Endopterygota – beetles.
COLEOPTERON n. a large order of insects having the front wings modified as hard wing-cases, and comprising the beetles and weevils, also COLEOPTERAN.
COLEOPTERScoleopters n. Plural of coleopter.
COLEOPTER n. an aircraft that has an annular wing with the fuselage and engine on the centre line.
ELAEOPTENEelaeoptene n. (Chemistry) The more liquid or volatile portion of certain oily substances, as distinguished from stearoptene…
ELAEOPTENE n. the liquid part of a volatile oil.
ELEOPTENESELEOPTENE n. the liquid part of a volatile oil.
GYROCOPTERgyrocopter n. (Aviation) An autogyro, similar to a helicopter.
GYROCOPTER n. an airplane balanced and supported by the aerodynamic forces acting on rapidly rotating horizontal or slightly inclined airfoils, also GYROPLANE.
HELICOPTEDhelicopted v. Simple past tense and past participle of helicopt.
HELICOPT v. to travel by helicopter.
HELICOPTERhelicopter n. (Aviation) An aircraft that is borne along by one or more sets of long rotating blades which allow it…
helicopter n. A powered troweling machine with spinning blades used to spread concrete.
helicopter n. (Botany) The winged fruit of certain trees, such as ash, elm, and maple.
HOMOPTERANhomopteran n. Any insect of the former hemipteran order Homoptera.
HOMOPTERAN n. a member of the Homoptera, cicadas, froghoppers etc.
ISOPTERANSisopterans n. Plural of isopteran.
ISOPTERAN n. any member of an order of insects, the termites, having the two pairs of wings (when present) closely alike.
ISOPTEROUSisopterous adj. Having the wings equal.
ISOPTEROUS adj. relating to the Isoptera, an order of insects having the two pairs of wings closely alike.
MONOPTERALmonopteral adj. (Architecture) Round and without a cella; consisting of a single ring of columns supporting a roof;…
MONOPTERAL adj. resembling a monopteron.
MONOPTEROImonopteroi n. Plural of monopteros.
MONOPTEROS n. a building with single ring of columns supporting a roof.
MONOPTERONmonopteron n. (Architecture) A circular temple consisting of a roof supported on columns, without a cella.
MONOPTERON n. a circular temple with one ring of columns.
MONOPTEROSmonopteros n. (Architecture) A classical temple made up of one circle of columns supporting a roof.
MONOPTEROS n. a building with single ring of columns supporting a roof.
NEUROPTERAneuroptera n. Plural of neuropteron.
Neuroptera prop.n. A taxonomic order within the superorder Neuropterida – the lacewings and related insects.
NEUROPTERAN n. any of an order of insect including lacewing flies, also NEUROPTERON.
ORTHOPTERAorthoptera n. Any of very many four-winged insects, of the order Orthoptera, such as grasshoppers, crickets and locusts.
Orthoptera prop.n. A taxonomic order within the superorder Polyneoptera – various insects including crickets, grasshoppers…
ORTHOPTERON n. any member of the Orthoptera, an order of mandibulate insects, also ORTHOPTERAN.
ORTHOPTERSorthopters n. Plural of orthopter.
ORTHOPTER n. a type of aircraft propelled with flapping wings.
PREADOPTEDpreadopted v. Simple past tense and past participle of preadopt.
PREADOPT v. to adopt beforehand.
QUADCOPTERquadcopter n. A rotorcraft propelled by four rotors.
QUADCOPTER n. a pilotless four-rotor helicopter.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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