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There are 7 ten-letter words containing ONFL

CONFLATINGconflating v. Present participle of conflate.
CONFLATE v. to combine (as two readings of a text).
CONFLATIONconflation n. (Countable) A blowing or fusing together, as of many instruments in a concert, or of many fires in a foundry.
conflation n. (Uncountable) A blend or fusion, especially a composite reading or text formed by combining the material…
CONFLATION n. a combining or blending of two or more versions of a text.
CONFLICTEDconflicted v. Simple past tense and past participle of conflict.
conflicted adj. (North America, informal) In a state of personal or emotional conflict.
conflicted adj. Having a conflict of interest.
CONFLUENCEconfluence n. The act of combining that occurs where two rivers meet.
confluence n. A convergence or combination of forces, people, or things.
confluence n. (Biology) The proportion of cells, in a culture medium, that adhere to each other.
CONFLUENTSconfluents n. Plural of confluent.
CONFLUENT n. a stream uniting and flowing with another.
MOONFLOWERmoonflower n. Any of several plants that flower at night…
MOONFLOWER n. a tropical flower.
NONFLUENCYnonfluency n. Lack of fluency; some period of nonfluent speech caused by a stammer, etc.
NONFLUENCY n. an absence of fluency.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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