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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 13 ten-letter words containing ONEM

ACETONEMIAacetonemia n. (Veterinary medicine) Presence of excessive levels of acetone in blood, sometimes occurring in cows…
ACETONEMIA n. an abnormal increase of ketone bodies in the blood, also ACETONAEMIA.
ATONEMENTSatonements n. Plural of atonement.
ATONEMENT n. the act of atoning.
CHROMONEMAchromonema n. (Genetics) The central coiled filament of a chromatid upon which the chromomeres lie.
CHROMONEMA n. the coiled filamentous core of a chromatid.
DIPLONEMASdiplonemas n. Plural of diplonema.
DIPLONEMA n. a less common name for diplotene, a stage of meiotic prophase (cell division).
EPIPHONEMAepiphonema n. (Rhetoric) An exclamation or reflection used to summarise or round off an argument or discourse.
EPIPHONEMA n. an exclamation, finishing phrase or reflection.
HYALONEMASHYALONEMA n. a genus of sponges, aka glass-rope sponge.
KETONEMIASketonemias n. Plural of ketonemia.
KETONEMIA n. an excess of ketone bodies in the blood, also KETONAEMIA.
PHONEMATICphonematic adj. Pertaining to phonemes.
PHONEMATIC adj. relating to a phoneme.
PROTONEMALprotonemal adj. Relating to protonemata.
PROTONEMAL adj. of or like a protonema, the primary growth from the spore of a moss, also PROTONEMATAL.
STONEMASONstonemason n. One who works in stone.
STONEMASON n. a mason who builds with stone.
TREPONEMALtreponemal adj. (Biology, medicine) Pertaining to or caused by treponema.
TREPONEMAL adj. of or like a treponema, a kind of bacterium.
TREPONEMAStreponemas n. Plural of treponema.
TREPONEMA n. a kind of bacterium, a spirochaete, that causes syphilis, also TREPONEME.
TREPONEMEStreponemes n. Plural of treponeme.
TREPONEME n. a kind of bacterium, a spirochaete, that causes syphilis, also TREPONEMA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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