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There are 14 ten-letter words containing ONCI

BOCCONCINIbocconcini n. Small pieces of mozzarella cheese.
bocconcini n. Small chunks of any suitable foodstuff.
BOCCONCINI n. (Italian) small pieces of mozzarella cheese, also BOCONCINI.
CONCIERGESconcierges n. Plural of concierge.
CONCIERGE n. (French) one who keeps the entrance to an edifice, public or private.
CONCILIARYconciliary adj. Of or relating to a council, particularly with respect to municipal government; issued by a council.
CONCILIARY adj. of or pertaining to (esp. ecclesiastical) councils, also CONCILIAR.
CONCILIATEconciliate v. (Transitive, obsolete) To acquire, to procure.
conciliate v. (Transitive, now rare) To reconcile (Discordant theories, demands etc.); to make compatible, bring together.
conciliate v. (Transitive) To make calm and content, or regain the goodwill of; to placate.
CONCINNITYconcinnity n. (Music) The harmonious reinforcement of the various parts of a work of art.
CONCINNITY n. harmony or elegance of design, esp. of literary style in adaptation of parts to a whole or to each other.
CONCINNOUSconcinnous adj. Characterized by concinnity; neat; elegant.
CONCINNOUS adj. characterized by concinnity; neat; elegant.
CONCIPIENTconcipient n. One who conceives, who has an idea or concept.
CONCIPIENT adj. conceiving.
CONCISIONSconcisions n. Plural of concision.
CONCISION n. schism; separation.
ENSCONCINGensconcing v. Present participle of ensconce.
ENSCONCE v. to settle comfortably, also INSCONCE.
INSCONCINGinsconcing v. Present participle of insconce.
INSCONCE v. (Shakespeare) to settle comfortably, also ENSCONCE.
NONCITIZENnoncitizen n. Someone who is not a citizen of the country in question.
non-citizen n. Alternative form of noncitizen.
NONCITIZEN n. one who is not a citizen.
RECONCILEDreconciled v. Simple past tense and past participle of reconcile.
RECONCILE v. to restore or bring back to friendship or union.
RECONCILERreconciler n. One who reconciles.
RECONCILER n. one who reconciles.
RECONCILESreconciles v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of reconcile.
RECONCILE v. to restore or bring back to friendship or union.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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