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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 11 ten-letter words containing ONCH

BRONCHIOLEbronchiole n. (Anatomy) Any of the small cartilage-less branches of a bronchus.
BRONCHIOLE n. a minute bronchial tube.
BRONCHITICbronchitic adj. Of or pertaining to bronchitis.
bronchitic n. A person who has bronchitis.
BRONCHITIC adj. of or pertaining to bronchitis.
BRONCHITISbronchitis n. (Uncountable) An inflammation of the bronchi of the lungs, that causes the cilia of the bronchial epithelial…
bronchitis n. (Countable) An occurrence of, a case (patient) of, or a type of bronchitis.
BRONCHITIS n. inflammation, acute or chronic, of the bronchial tubes or any part of them.
CONCHIFORMconchiform adj. Shaped like a conch.
CONCHIFORM adj. shaped like a shell.
CONCHIGLIEconchiglie n. Pasta shells.
CONCHIGLIE n. (Italian) shell-shaped pasta.
CONCHIOLINconchiolin n. (Biochemistry) Any of a group of proteins which, together with polysaccharides and calcium carbonate…
CONCHIOLIN n. a fibrous protein substance that forms the basic structure of the shell of molluscs.
CONCHOIDALconchoidal adj. (Mathematics) Of or pertaining to a conchoid; that may be defined as a conchoid.
conchoidal adj. (Mineralogy, of a fracture) Irregular, with planar, concentric curves, similar to those on a mussel shell.
conchoidal adj. (Mineralogy, of a mineral) That fractures with planar concentric curves (e.g., as flint, chert or obsidian).
CONCHOLOGYconchology n. The study of molluscs and their shells.
conchology n. The hobby of shell collecting.
CONCHOLOGY n. the study of shells.
NONCHALANTnonchalant adj. Casually calm and relaxed.
nonchalant adj. Indifferent; unconcerned; behaving as if detached.
NONCHALANT adj. having an air of easy unconcern or indifference.
SCONCHEONSsconcheons n. Plural of sconcheon.
SCONCHEON n. the inner part of a door jamb or window frame, also SCOINSON, SCONTION, SCUNCHEON.
SOLONCHAKSsolonchaks n. Plural of solonchak.
SOLONCHAK n. (Russian) a pale or grey soil type found in arid to subhumid, poorly drained conditions.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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