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There are 14 ten-letter words containing OGLO

HEMOGLOBINhemoglobin n. (American spelling) The iron-containing substance in red blood cells that transports oxygen from the…
HEMOGLOBIN n. the iron-containing pigment which is the oxygen-carrying substance present in the red blood cells of vertebrates, also HAEMOGLOBIN.
ISOGLOSSALisoglossal adj. Relating to an isogloss.
ISOGLOSSAL adj. relating to an isogloss, a line connecting points of similar regional dialect, also ISOGLOSSIC, ISOGLOTTAL, ISOGLOTTIC.
ISOGLOSSESisoglosses n. Plural of isogloss.
ISOGLOSS n. a line indicating linguistically varied areas.
ISOGLOSSICisoglossic adj. Relating to an isogloss.
ISOGLOSSIC adj. relating to an isogloss, a line connecting points of similar regional dialect, also ISOGLOSSAL, ISOGLOTTAL, ISOGLOTTIC.
ISOGLOTTALISOGLOTTAL adj. relating to an isogloss, a line connecting points of similar regional dialect, also ISOGLOSSAL, ISOGLOSSIC, ISOGLOTTIC.
ISOGLOTTICISOGLOTTIC adj. relating to an isogloss, a line connecting points of similar regional dialect, also ISOGLOSSAL, ISOGLOSSIC, ISOGLOTTAL.
MESOGLOEASmesogloeas n. Plural of mesogloea.
MESOGLOEA n. a gelatinous layer between the endoderm and ectoderm of a coelenterate, also MESOGLEA.
MYOGLOBINSmyoglobins n. Plural of myoglobin.
MYOGLOBIN n. a protein that stores oxygen in muscle.
PROGLOTTICproglottic adj. Of or pertaining to a proglottid.
PROGLOTTIC adj. relating to the proglottis.
PROGLOTTIDproglottid n. Any of the segments of a tapeworm; they contain both male and female reproductive organs.
PROGLOTTID n. a segment of a tapeworm, also PROGLOTTIS.
PROGLOTTISproglottis n. One of the free, or nearly free, segments of a tapeworm. It contains both male and female reproductive…
PROGLOTTIS n. a segment of a tapeworm, also PROGLOTTID.
TROGLODYTEtroglodyte n. A member of a supposed prehistoric race that lived in caves or holes, a caveman.
troglodyte n. (By extension) Anything that lives underground.
troglodyte n. A reclusive, reactionary or out-of-date person, especially if brutish.
XENOGLOSSYxenoglossy n. Knowledge of a language one has never learned.
xenoglossy n. Glossolalia.
XENOGLOSSY n. a person's knowledge of a language never studied, also XENOGLOSSIA.
ZOOGLOEOIDzoogloeoid adj. Relating to, or resembling a zoogloea.
ZOOGLOEOID adj. of or like a zoogloea, a mucilaginous mass of bacteria, also ZOOGLOEAL, ZOOGLOEIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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